Many men have trouble embracing vulnerability. They may feel like they need to be stoic in order to be seen as masculine. During tough times, they might hesitate to open up to their friends.

It can be hard for men to admit when they’re feeling down, because they often worry that if they share their emotions, other people will view them as weak. Even today, there is a pervasive assumption that “real men” should not cry or deal with issues like depression or anxiety.
It may seem counterintuitive, especially when considering these societal beliefs, but men can actually find true strength in vulnerability.
Here’s why letting yourself be more vulnerable can help you become more confident and emotionally resilient.
Emotional Regulation
When you try to suppress your feelings, you might feel emotionally volatile. You may think that keeping your emotions inside is the key to appearing outwardly stable. But over time, distressing emotions can eat away at you.
This makes it harder to handle stress and even minor daily inconveniences. You might end up snapping at people you love or making mistakes at work.
But if you give yourself the chance to open up about your feelings early on, you’ll be able to release these emotions and handle stress in a healthy manner.
Improved Physical Health
If your mental health is suffering, it can be hard to maintain your physical health. For instance, you might end up dealing with headaches due to stress or a lack of sleep. You may have stomachaches or notice that your appetite is lacking.
Over time, chronic stress can raise your risk of illness. However, healthy emotional expression can support better physical health.
Stronger Relationships
Today, many people feel more isolated from each other than in previous generations. There are a variety of factors that have contributed to this issue, from cultural shifts to the use of technology.
However, men in particular often have trouble maintaining close friendships and keeping in touch with supportive social circles. This is partially because it can be so difficult for men to tell their loved ones when they’re struggling.
But vulnerability is what forms close connections. And having a supportive social circle can keep you going through hard times. When you know that you have people who you can turn to with anything, you’ll be able to keep your head up when times are tough.
Letting Go of Shame
Shame can keep you from saying what’s really on your mind, especially when you’re dealing with emotional turmoil. When you’re in a rut, your feelings of sadness and frustration can be exacerbated by underlying feelings of shame.
Not only are you upset about difficult events in your life, you also end up feeling ashamed for experiencing these emotions in the first place. But letting yourself be vulnerable frees you to let go of shame.
You no longer have to carry shame as a burden when you practice vulnerability.
Higher Self-Esteem
Overall, being vulnerable can actually raise your self-esteem. When you embrace every aspect of yourself, even your complicated emotions, you feel more comfortable in your own skin. It might seem contradictory, but vulnerability is the secret to real, lasting confidence.
If you know you can be vulnerable, you do not need to wear a mask of stoicism when you’re having trouble in life. Instead, you can simply be, without worrying about having to hide your feelings. Accepting yourself as you are is the foundation of genuine strength and confidence.
If you’re struggling to allow yourself to be vulnerable because of traditional beliefs about masculinity, talking to a therapist for men’s counseling can help. Reach out to us to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.