Court Evaluations Delivered with Expertise and Integrity.
Specialized Forensic Services
Some of our clinicians are available for certain types of specialized forensic assessment services, and may be retained by either an attorney or appointed by the court. The purpose of these services is to provide a fair, objective, and defensible evaluation to aid the judge or jury in reaching conclusions.

- Criminal proceedings involving competency to stand trial, to waive Miranda rights, to confess, or to be executed; for petitions for re-sentencing under the Miller v. Alabama decision; and the identification of psychological factors relevant to sentence mitigation. This can include either psychological factors (e.g., a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia) or problems with intellectual capacity (e.g., intellectual disability).
The evaluation and treatment of personal injury and workers’ compensation claimants presenting with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other psychological disorders.
Review of records with respect to standard of care, and to assist counsel in the development of direct and cross-examinations. He may also be able to assist in other civil matters.
Some of our clinicians are available for evaluations needed in immigration proceedings.
We may also be able to assist in other matters not listed above. He is available to discuss the specifics of your client’s case to determine if he can be of assistance.
Assessment in the Workplace
Employers and academic institutions at times need assistance when an employee or student has become disruptive. Dr. Hicks offers assistance in the form of:
- Fitness For Duty Evaluations
- Evaluations for Return to Work or School
- Questions Related to Violence or Other Safety Concerns

Court Evaluation Services Frequently Asked Questions
How can an evaluation help me in my case? The answer to this will vary depending on the specifics of your case. Sometimes, the evaluation is ordered by the court to answer a specific question (e.g., is this person competent to proceed to trial?) and at other times it is a question raised by an attorney (e.g., is this person experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder that is caused by a certain event or serious of events?). But I should note that this question is sort of a trick. The evaluation may have the potential to help your case, but there is also the chance that it will not (e.g., despite suffering from schizophrenia, a person may still be competent to stand trial). I cannot guarantee that the results of my work will always be helpful. Rather, I can promise to provide a fair and objective evaluation of the question before the court.
What are your rates? Pricing for assessments pertaining to legal issues is very different than for clinical services. Charges are determined by the hour, and are different for different types of activities. For example, time providing depositions or testimony is priced differently than travel required to complete the evaluation. Please have your attorney contact us directly for an initial fee consultation. During that conversation, we try to give a good-faith estimate of costs.
Are there any types of evaluations you will not do? We do not conduct child custody evaluations or neuropsychological assessment. There are also certain questions that simply cannot be answered through psychological services. It is best if your attorney calls us initially so that we can determine if we have the requisite knowledge required to answer the questions relevant to your case.
I am interested in retaining you. What should I do? It is important that you ask your attorney to contact us directly to discuss your case and needs. There are two important reasons for this. First, it is imperative that it is determined whether or not our services will be helpful to advance your attorney’s theory of the case (insofar as this is possible; the evaluation results may not actually be helpful to you). There are cases where a psychological evaluation may actually work against your interests. This leads to the second reason, which is that if we are retained by your attorney then our work may be protected from discovery by attorney-client privilege. Your attorney will know the specifics and limits of this, and thus is in the best position to advise you on these matters.
In what counties will you provide services? While the specifics of this will be determined by the clinician being retained. Some of us are licensed or otherwise authorized to practice not only in Illinois but in a number of states, some could theoretically work in many states. However, the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, McHenry, Lake, and Will as well as Wisconsin’s border counties are most convenient to our practice location. Note: Because Dr. Hicks a licensed pilot he can usually get anywhere in the state of Illinois or Wisconsin in a reasonable amount of time, and are happy to work something out for him to work with you.
Where do you typically work? Our office is located in Arlington Heights, and directions can be obtained here. Some evaluations will of course require us to travel to a correctional or other institution, and under some circumstances we may be willing to travel to another location (e.g., attorney’s office)
I/my client/my loved one is currently in custody. Will you travel? Of course. We will work with the attorney in the case to gain access to the facility.
Do you work on contingency? No. While this is the way some attorneys work in certain types of cases, this is generally considered inappropriate for psychologists in forensic cases. We will not be in a position where we must testify under oath that we do not get paid unless the case is won. This could leave the impression that our objectivity will be compromised, and ultimately reduces the effectiveness of the evaluator’s testimony.