First responders regularly endure harrowing situations. They may have to rescue people from natural disasters and speak to victims of violent crimes right after the event. Furthermore, first responders have to aid people who may not survive the ordeals they are faced with. This can be deeply devastating. Yet even after attempting to save people who do not make it, they must return to work the next day to carry on with their responsibilities.
Countless first responders suffer from burnout, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their occupations. However, they often hesitate to reach out for help. Why are so many first responders reluctant to talk to counselors? Let’s explore why it can be difficult for first responders to pursue the help they need.
Stigma Around Therapy
There is still a stigma against going to therapy in our broader culture. This stigma is especially strong within the first responder profession. Many first responders worry that needing therapy is a sign of weakness. They are supposed to be strong and resilient. Working with a counselor might mean that they don’t possess these qualities.
Professional Culture of Stoicism
First responders working in law enforcement, emergency management, and related fields work within environments where they are expected to be stoic. When you’re at the scene of an emergency, stoicism is non-negotiable.
A first responder must appear calm and in control to assist people who are suffering. But first responders can feel as though admitting they need help off the clock means they’ve failed to uphold these stoic principles.
Worrying About Career Implications
A first responder might be concerned that if their coworkers or peers find out that they’ve seen a therapist, they will lose respect at work. They may fear that talking to a counselor could mean that their career is about to come to an end.
Some first responders worry that if they work with a therapist to address burnout or a mental health condition related to their work, they may come to the conclusion that they should change fields. Even those who are deeply passionate about their work may be skeptical that it’s even possible to set healthy boundaries in a field like this. They might question whether they’ll have to quit despite their commitment to helping others.
Feeling Disconnected With Mental Health Professionals
There’s no denying that first responders deal with unique problems at work. Some first responders might be opposed to therapy because they assume that a therapist will never be able to understand the situations they’ve seen while on the job.
A first responder may expect that their therapist will be too shocked by their stories to adequately advise them, or that they could “scare” a therapist by speaking honestly about their work. It’s not easy to open up to someone who you anticipate won’t be able to relate to you.
Lack of Financial Resources
Finally, it’s important to note that not all first responders receive high salaries. Because these jobs are demanding, stressful, and often dangerous, it’s easy to assume that first responders are always well-compensated for their efforts. But depending on their specific profession and seniority, they might have low salaries and limited benefits, making it hard to afford therapy.
Additionally, some first responders live in rural areas and would have to travel longer distances for in-person therapy. They may feel uncomfortable with seeking virtual therapy for confidentiality reasons. These financial and logistical barriers can discourage people from seeking necessary care.
Are you a first responder in need of mental health support? Contact our office to book a free consultation or schedule your first session with a compassionate trauma therapist.