Complex Relational Trauma: What It Is and How It Impacts Your Life

Trauma doesn’t always refer to a single event. Relational trauma is characterized by ongoing mistreatment, abuse, or abandonment within a relationship. In other words, it’s trauma that occurs in relation to someone whom you relied on.

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Why First Responders Are Vulnerable to Vicarious Trauma

You do not necessarily need to be a victim of a traumatic event in order to feel traumatized. If you witness a traumatic event, or you are in a line of work that involves responding to emergencies, you can also struggle with trauma symptoms or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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What Is War Trauma? Symptoms, Impact, and Healing

Countless people have suffered as a result of war. Around the world, many regions have dealt with violent conflicts that have spanned generations. Even for those who have been able to escape and settle down in safer places, the effects of surviving a war don’t just fade away.

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Is Moral Injury Equivalent to PTSD? Insights into Both Conditions

Maybe you’ve recently experienced a traumatic event, and you feel like you haven’t been quite the same since. You might be haunted by flashbacks of the event, and it can seem like you’re constantly waiting for another threat to crop up. 

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Defining and Understanding Generational Trauma

Perhaps you’ve been struggling with your mental health. You’ve noticed that your symptoms seem eerily familiar. Maybe your mother, father, or other relatives dealt with similar symptoms when you were growing up. But you didn’t realize that these behaviors were indicative of a mental health condition.

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How Does Your Body Remember Trauma?

Trauma does not just have an impact on your mental health. The emotional effects of surviving trauma are well-known, but many people do not realize just how deeply trauma can affect your physical well-being.

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